Frame:Create object

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Name Gloss Create object
Closest FrameNet Frame(s) Intentionally_create
Other aliases
Type Frame


Role Name: creator
Role Type: person
FrameNet Role: Creator
Role Name: created_object
Role Type:
FrameNet Role: Created_entity
Role Name: creation_action
Role Type:
Definition/Comments: action creator performs to create object
FrameNet Role:
Role Name: components
Role Type:
Definition/Comments: material or parts object is created from
FrameNet Role: Components
Role Name: created_object_process
Role Type:
Definition/Comments: process of created object coming into existence
FrameNet Role:

Related Frames:

Current Frame: Create object
Relation Type: makes use of
Related Frame: Purposeful action
Roles:actor, action_x-schema, objective, action_type, effector, effort
Current Frame: Create object
Relation Type: is subcase of
Related Frame: Complex process
Current Frame: Create object
Relation Type: incorporates as a role
Related Frame: Object
Roles:object_entity, size, shape, substance, weight, object_interior, object_exterior_surface


creation_action=Purposeful action
creation_action=Complex process.process1
created_object_process=Complex process2


Description Creator's objective is to bring the created_object into existence. When action starts, object does not exist, when action is successfully completed, object exists.

Relevant Lexical Units:

Language English
Lempos create.v
Language English
Lempos produce.v
Language English
Lempos generate.v
Language English
Lempos form.v
Language English
Lempos creator.n
Language English
Lempos producer.n
Language English
Lempos maker.n
Language English
Lempos creation.n

Lexical Units in Related FrameNet Frames:


Metaphors that use this frame:

as Target frame as Source frame

Graph of frame relations:

digraph framerelsgrph { rankdir="BT" n1 [label="Textile" URL="/pub/en/index.php/Frame:Textile" fontsize="10.0" ]; n2 [label="Create object" URL="/pub/en/index.php/Frame:Create_object" fontsize="10.0" penwidth=2 style="filled" fillcolor="lightgray" ];

n1 -> n2 [label = "makes use of" fontsize="8.0" color="green" ]; n3 [label="Purposeful action" URL="/pub/en/index.php/Frame:Purposeful_action" fontsize="10.0" ];

n2 -> n3 [label = "makes use of" fontsize="8.0" color="green" ]; n4 [label="Complex process" URL="/pub/en/index.php/Frame:Complex_process" fontsize="10.0" ];

n2 -> n4 [label = "is subcase of" fontsize="8.0" color="magenta" ]; n5 [label="Object" URL="/pub/en/index.php/Frame:Object" fontsize="10.0" ];

n2 -> n5 [label = "incorporates as a role" fontsize="8.0" ]; }

Facts about "Create object"
Bindingcreator (Purposeful +, creation_action (Purposeful action) +, creation_action (Complex process.process1) + and created_object_process (Complex process2) +
Frame.FrameNet frameIntentionally_create +
Frame.TypeFrame +
Incorporates as a roleFrame:Object +
InferenceCreator's objective is to bring the created_object into existence. When action starts, object does not exist, when action is successfully completed, object exists. (?) +
Is a subcase ofFrame:Complex process +
LUsEnglish (create.v, create) +, English (produce.v, produce) +, English (generate.v, generate) +, English (form.v, form) +, English (creator.n, creator) +, English (producer.n, producer) +, English (maker.n, maker) + and English (creation.n, creation) +
Makes use ofFrame:Purposeful action +
Related framemakes use of (Purposeful action, ?) +, is subcase of (Complex process, ?) + and incorporates as a role (Object, ?) +
Rolecreator (person, ?, Creator, ?) +, created_object (?, ?, Created_entity, ?) +, creation_action (?, action creator performs to create object, ?, ?) +, components (?, material or parts object is created from, Components, ?) + and created_object_process (?, process of created object coming into existence, ?, ?) +
Has subobject
"Has subobject" is a predefined property representing a container construct that allows to accumulate property-value assignments similar to that of a normal wiki page.
Frame:Create object#Lexical_unit_of +