Glossary:Frame Relation Type

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Entry Frame Relation Type
Other Aliases
Description Frames include information that contextualizes and relates them to others frames within a larger network.

The frame-to-frame relation types are:

1. Makes use of
2. is a Subcase of
3. is a Subprocess of
4. Incorporates as a role
5. is related to
6. is in Scalar opposition to
7. is a Perspective on
8. is in causal relation with

See entries for each relation type for further definitions.

Pertinent form(s)
Utility Wiki
Created by Elise
Edited by Ellen
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Facts about "Frame Relation Type"
Entered byElise +
Glossary.DescriptionFrames include information that contextual
Frames include information that contextualizes and relates them to others frames within a larger network.

The frame-to-frame relation types are:

1. Makes use of
2. is a Subcase of
3. is a Subprocess of
4. Incorporates as a role
5. is related to
6. is in Scalar opposition to
7. is a Perspective on
8. is in causal relation with

See entries for each relation type for further definitions.
ach relation type for further definitions. +
Glossary.EntryFrame Relation Type +
Glossary.UtilityWiki +
Last reviewed byEllen +