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This is a property of type Record. It has the following fields: Property:Role.Name, Property:Role.Type, Property:Role.Definition, Property:Role.FrameNet role, Property:Role.Name gloss

Pages using the property "Role"

Showing 50 pages using this property.

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Absorption +absorbent_entity (physical entity, ?, Item, ?)  +, fluid (liquid, the thing that is absorbed by absorbent_entity, Subtance, ?)  +, absorption_process (x-schema, movement of fluid into absorbent_entity, ?, ?)  +
Access +accessor (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, accessed_entity (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, barrier_to_access (?, ?, ?, ?)  +,
Access to an object +accessor (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, accessed_object (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, barrier_to_access (?, ?, ?, ?)  +,
Action +actor (animate entity, ?, Agent, ?)  +, action_x-schema (x-schema, ?, Act, ?)  +, effector (?, the body part or instrument actor uses to perform action, ?, ?)  +,
Addiction +addicted_person (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, addicting_thing (?, substance or activity the addicted_person is addicted to, ?, ?)  +
Addressing poverty +poverty (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, impoverished (?, (segment of) affected by poverty, ?, ?)  +, problem_solvers (?, ?, ?, ?)  +,
Addressing social problems +social_problem (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, society (?, (segment of) society affected by problem, ?, ?)  +, problem_solvers (?, (segment of) society that addresses problem, ?, ?)  +,
Adoption +family (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, family_representative (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, adoptee (?, ?, ?, ?)  +,
Advocacy +advocate (person, person or group that is advocating for issue, ?, ?)  +, issue (?, thing that is being advocated, ?, ?)  +, actions (x-schema, ?, ?, ?)  +
Affected motion +cause (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, mover (Object, ?, Theme, ?)  +, source (?, ?, Source, ?)  +,
Affection +affection_feeler (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, degree_of_affection (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, target_of_affection (?, ?, ?, ?)  +
Air motion +mover (air / gas, ?, ?, ?)  +
Analysis +analyzer (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, object_of_analysis (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, analytic_standard (?, ?, ?, ?)  +,
Anger +experiencer (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, anger (?, the experienced emotion, ?, ?)  +, anger_level (?, ?, ?, ?)  +,
Animal +animal (entity, ?, ?, ?)  +
Animal life cycle +animal_life_cycle_beginning_stage (?, e.g. 'hatch', ?, ?)  +, animal_life_cycle_beginning_state (?, e.g. 'pup' 'calf', ?, ?)  +, animal_life_cycle_maturation_stage (?, ?, ?, ?)  +,
Animate entity +animate_entity (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, body (Body, ?, ?, ?)  +, specialized_parts (?, ?, distinctive parts of the body, ?)  +,
Argument +arguers (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, arguing_event (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, arguments_expressed (?, ?, ?, ?)  +,
Artifact +artifact_entity (?, ?, Artifact, ?)  +, purpose (?, the purpose artifact is used for, Use, ?)  +, artifact_creator (?, ?, Creator, ?)  +,
Attacking +attacker (person, ?, Assailant, ?)  +, attacking_action (?, action performed by attacker (agent), ?, ?)  +, attacked (person, person that is attacked, Victim, ?)  +,
Attribute +entity (?, entity that attribute is identified with, Entity, ?)  +, attribute (?, state or property that attributor attributes to entity, Attribute, ?)  +, value (?, value of attribute, Value, ?)  +,
Authority +authority_entity (?, ?, Leader, ?)  +, domain_of_authority (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, source_of_authority (?, e.g. authority_entity's competence or knowledge, ?, ?)  +,
Awakening +waker (?, ?, Agent, ?)  +, sleeping_entity (?, ?, Sleeper, ?)  +, sleep_state (?, ?, Sleep_state, ?)  +,
Axis +axis (?, an (imagined) straight line, ?, ?)  +, frame_of_reference (?, the parameter by which the axis is defined, ?, ?)  +


Backward motion +mover (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, motion_x-schema (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, backward_direction (?, ?, ?, ?)  +,
Barrier +barrier_object (physical entity, ?, Barrier, ?)  +, mover (?, ?, Theme, ?)  +, affected_motion (?, ?, ?, ?)  +,
Being at a Low Location +located_thing (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, current_location (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, low_landmark (?, ?, ?, ?)  +
Being at a location +experiencer (entity, entity at a location, theme, ?)  +, current_location (?, where the entity is located at some profiled point in time (e.g. 'now'), location, ?)  +, locale (?, the broader landscape which includes the current_location along with other potential locations, place, ?)  +,
Being in a Bounded Region +located_thing (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, current_location (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, landmark (?, ?, ?, ?)  +,
Being stable +entity (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, x-schema (?, ?, ?, ?)  +
Being unstable +entity (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, x-schema (ongoing_process, ?, ?, ?)  +
Belief +belief (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, believer (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, belief_relation (?, the relation between the believer and his belief, ?, ?)  +,
Biological entity +organism (?, organism as functional whole, Organism, ?)  +, body (?, physical body, ?, ?)  +, specialized_parts (?, distinctive parts of the body, ?, ?)  +,
Birth +birth_protagonist (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, birth_x-schema (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, birth_state (?, as a substate of the x-schema, ?, ?)  +
Boat +boat (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, boat_captain (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, boat_passengers (?, ?, ?, ?)  +,
Bodily functioning +body (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, bodypart (?, ?, ?, ?)  +
Body +body_whole (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, body_parts (?, ?, ?, ?)  +
Body weight +weight_amount (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, body (?, ?, ?, ?)  +
Bounded entity +bounded_entity (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, entity_boundary (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, entity_interior (?, ?, ?, ?)  +,
Bounded region +exterior (region, ?, Exterior, ?)  +, interior (region, ?, Interior, ?)  +, boundary (?, ?, Boundary, ?)  +
Building +building_whole (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, building_framework (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, building_foundation (?, ?, ?, ?)  +,
Bully +bully (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, bullied (?, ?, ?, ?)  +
Burden +burdened_entity (physical_entity, the being carrying the burden, ?, ?)  +, burden (physical_entity, the load supported byt the burdened_entity, ?, ?)  +, weight_of_burden (weight scale, ?, ?, ?)  +,
Bureaucracy +institution_of_operation (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, members (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, functions (?, ?, ?, ?)  +,


Cancer +cancer (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, cancer_patient (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, cancerous_body_part (?, ?, ?, ?)  +
Cancer patient +patient_self (person, ?, ?, ?)  +, patient_actions (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, affected_body_part (body, ?, ?, ?)  +
Career +career_follower (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, career_trajectory (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, career_domain (?, ?, ?, ?)  +
Causation +causer (?, entity, Actor, ?)  +, causal_process (X-schema, ?, ?, ?)  +, affected (?, entity, ?, ?)  +,
Cause contact +cause (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, entity1 (Entity, ?, ?, ?)  +, entity2 (Entity, ?, ?, ?)  +
Cause to see +perception_causer (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, perception_event (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, perception_perciever (?, ?, ?, ?)  +
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Facts about "Role"
Has fields
This property is a special property in this wiki.
Property:Role.Name, Property:Role.Type, Property:Role.Definition, Property:Role.FrameNet role, Property:Role.Name gloss +
Has type
"Has type" is a predefined property that describes the datatype of a property.
Record +