Frame:Motion-affecting objects

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Name Gloss Motion-affecting objects
Closest FrameNet Frame(s)
Other aliases
Type Cog


Role Name: mover
Role Type:
FrameNet Role:
Role Name: impediment
Role Type: Object
Definition/Comments: the object that is affecting the mover's motion
FrameNet Role:
Role Name: affected_motion_x-schema
Role Type:
Definition/Comments: x-schema for mover's location/motion
FrameNet Role:
Role Name: mover_location
Role Type:
FrameNet Role:

Related Frames:

Current Frame: Motion-affecting objects
Relation Type: is subcase of
Related Frame: Motion-affecting external factors
Roles:impediment, mover, affected_motion


mover=Motion-affecting external factors.mover
impediment=Motion-affecting external factors.impediment
affected_motion=Motion-affecting external factors.affected_motion


Relevant Lexical Units:

Lexical Units in Related FrameNet Frames:

Metaphors that use this frame:

as Target frame as Source frame

Graph of frame relations:

digraph framerelsgrph { rankdir="BT" n1 [label="Burden" URL="/pub/en/index.php/Frame:Burden" fontsize="10.0" ]; n2 [label="Motion-affecting objects" URL="/pub/en/index.php/Frame:Motion-affecting_objects" fontsize="10.0" penwidth=2 style="filled" fillcolor="lightgray" ];

n1 -> n2 [label = "is subcase of" fontsize="8.0" color="magenta" ]; n3 [label="Restraints" URL="/pub/en/index.php/Frame:Restraints" fontsize="10.0" ];

n3 -> n2 [label = "is subcase of" fontsize="8.0" color="magenta" ]; n4 [label="Motion-affecting external factors" URL="/pub/en/index.php/Frame:Motion-affecting_external_factors" fontsize="10.0" ];

n2 -> n4 [label = "is subcase of" fontsize="8.0" color="magenta" ]; }

Bindingmover (Motion-affecting external factors.mover) +, impediment (Motion-affecting external factors.impediment) + and affected_motion (Motion-affecting external factors.affected_motion) +
Frame.TypeCog +
Is a subcase ofFrame:Motion-affecting external factors +
Related frameis subcase of (Motion-affecting external factors, ?) +
Rolemover (?, ?, ?, ?) +, impediment (Object, the object that is affecting the mover's motion, ?, ?) +, affected_motion_x-schema (?, x-schema for mover's location/motion, ?, ?) + and mover_location (?, ?, ?, ?) +