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Name Gloss Scale
Closest FrameNet Frame(s)
Other aliases Linear scale
Type Cog


Role Name: parameter
Role Type:
Definition/Comments: what the scale is about
FrameNet Role:
Role Name: maximal value
Role Type:
FrameNet Role:
Role Name: minimal value
Role Type:
FrameNet Role:
Role Name: intermediate values
Role Type:
Definition/Comments: ranked with respect to each other
FrameNet Role:
Role Name: position_on_scale
Role Type:
FrameNet Role:
Role Name: norm
Role Type:
FrameNet Role:
Role Name: ordered_value_relations
Role Type:
Definition/Comments: the values are ordered in relation to one another
FrameNet Role:

Related Frames:

Current Frame: Scale
Relation Type: is subcase of
Related Frame: State


maximal value=State.possible_state_values
minimal value=State.possible_state_values
intermediate values=State.possible_state_values
position on scale=State.profiled_state_value


Description ordering of values -- if B is greater than A, and C is greater than B, then C is greater than A.
Description continuity -- each intermediate value is adjacent to a lower value and a higher value

Relevant Lexical Units:

Lexical Units in Related FrameNet Frames:

Metaphors that use this frame:

as Target frame as Source frame

Graph of frame relations:

digraph framerelsgrph { rankdir="BT" n1 [label="Being high on a scale" URL="/pub/en/index.php/Frame:Being_high_on_a_scale" fontsize="10.0" ]; n2 [label="Scale" URL="/pub/en/index.php/Frame:Scale" fontsize="10.0" penwidth=2 style="filled" fillcolor="lightgray" ];

n1 -> n2 [label = "is a subprocess of" fontsize="8.0" ]; n3 [label="Being in the middle of a scale" URL="/pub/en/index.php/Frame:Being_in_the_middle_of_a_scale" fontsize="10.0" ];

n3 -> n2 [label = "is a subprocess of" fontsize="8.0" ]; n4 [label="Being low on a scale" URL="/pub/en/index.php/Frame:Being_low_on_a_scale" fontsize="10.0" ];

n4 -> n2 [label = "is subcase of" fontsize="8.0" color="magenta" ]; n5 [label="Condition of physical object" URL="/pub/en/index.php/Frame:Condition_of_physical_object" fontsize="10.0" ];

n5 -> n2 [label = "makes use of" fontsize="8.0" color="green" ]; n6 [label="Differences in distance" URL="/pub/en/index.php/Frame:Differences_in_distance" fontsize="10.0" ];

n6 -> n2 [label = "makes use of" fontsize="8.0" color="green" ]; n7 [label="Economic status" URL="/pub/en/index.php/Frame:Economic_status" fontsize="10.0" ];

n7 -> n2 [label = "makes use of" fontsize="8.0" color="green" ]; n8 [label="Emotional intensity" URL="/pub/en/index.php/Frame:Emotional_intensity" fontsize="10.0" ];

n8 -> n2 [label = "makes use of" fontsize="8.0" color="green" ]; n9 [label="Firmness" URL="/pub/en/index.php/Frame:Firmness" fontsize="10.0" ];

n9 -> n2 [label = "makes use of" fontsize="8.0" color="green" ]; n10 [label="Functionality" URL="/pub/en/index.php/Frame:Functionality" fontsize="10.0" ];

n10 -> n2 [label = "makes use of" fontsize="8.0" color="green" ]; n11 [label="Health" URL="/pub/en/index.php/Frame:Health" fontsize="10.0" ];

n11 -> n2 [label = "is related to" fontsize="8.0" constraint=false color="dimgray" ]; n12 [label="Heat" URL="/pub/en/index.php/Frame:Heat" fontsize="10.0" ];

n12 -> n2 [label = "makes use of" fontsize="8.0" color="green" ]; n13 [label="Luminosity" URL="/pub/en/index.php/Frame:Luminosity" fontsize="10.0" ];

n13 -> n2 [label = "makes use of" fontsize="8.0" color="green" ]; n14 [label="Physical strength scale" URL="/pub/en/index.php/Frame:Physical_strength_scale" fontsize="10.0" ];

n14 -> n2 [label = "is subcase of" fontsize="8.0" color="magenta" ]; n15 [label="Proximity" URL="/pub/en/index.php/Frame:Proximity" fontsize="10.0" ];

n15 -> n2 [label = "makes use of" fontsize="8.0" color="green" ]; n16 [label="Quantity" URL="/pub/en/index.php/Frame:Quantity" fontsize="10.0" ];

n16 -> n2 [label = "makes use of" fontsize="8.0" color="green" ]; n17 [label="Size" URL="/pub/en/index.php/Frame:Size" fontsize="10.0" ];

n17 -> n2 [label = "incorporates as a role" fontsize="8.0" ]; n18 [label="Stability" URL="/pub/en/index.php/Frame:Stability" fontsize="10.0" ];

n18 -> n2 [label = "makes use of" fontsize="8.0" color="green" ]; n19 [label="Temperature" URL="/pub/en/index.php/Frame:Temperature" fontsize="10.0" ];

n19 -> n2 [label = "makes use of" fontsize="8.0" color="green" ]; n20 [label="Topological scale" URL="/pub/en/index.php/Frame:Topological_scale" fontsize="10.0" ];

n20 -> n2 [label = "is subcase of" fontsize="8.0" color="magenta" ]; n21 [label="Verticality" URL="/pub/en/index.php/Frame:Verticality" fontsize="10.0" ];

n21 -> n2 [label = "incorporates as a role" fontsize="8.0" ]; n22 [label="Weight" URL="/pub/en/index.php/Frame:Weight" fontsize="10.0" ];

n22 -> n2 [label = "makes use of" fontsize="8.0" color="green" ]; n23 [label="State" URL="/pub/en/index.php/Frame:State" fontsize="10.0" ];

n2 -> n23 [label = "is subcase of" fontsize="8.0" color="magenta" ]; }

Facts about "Scale"
Bindingparameter (State.domain) +, maximal value (State.possible_state_values) +, minimal value (State.possible_state_values) +, intermediate values (State.possible_state_values) +, position on scale (State.profiled_state_value) + and ordered_value_relations (State.value_relations) +
Frame.AliasLinear scale +
Frame.TypeCog +
Inferenceordering of values -- if B is greater than A, and C is greater than B, then C is greater than A. (?) + and continuity -- each intermediate value is adjacent to a lower value and a higher value (?) +
Is a subcase ofFrame:State +
Related frameis subcase of (State, ?) +
Roleparameter (?, what the scale is about, ?, ?) +, maximal value (?, ?, ?, ?) +, minimal value (?, ?, ?, ?) +, intermediate values (?, ranked with respect to each other, ?, ?) +, position_on_scale (?, ?, ?, ?) +, norm (?, ?, ?, ?) + and ordered_value_relations (?, the values are ordered in relation to one another, ?, ?) +