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This is a property of type Record. It has the fields Property:Example.Language, Property:Example.Text, Property:Example.Gloss, Property:Example.English translation, Property:Example.Provenance, Property:Example.Annotation, Property:Example.Comments, Property:Example.Transcription

Pages using the property "Example"

Showing 50 pages using this property.

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BELIEFS ARE POSSESSIONS +English (Hold on to your beliefs and never let them go., ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)  +
BODY IS A CONTAINER FOR EMOTIONS +English (He was filled with anger., ?, ?, Women Fire and Dangerous Things:383, ?, ?, ?)  +, English (She couldn't contain her joy., ?, ?, Women Fire and Dangerous Things:383, ?, ?, ?)  +, English (She was brimming with rage., ?, ?, Women Fire and Dangerous Things:383, ?, ?, ?)  +
BUREACRACY IS A MAZE +English (Lost in the bureaucratic maze of city's criminal justice system, ?, ?,, ?, ?, ?)  +
BUREACRACY IS AN OCTOPUS +English (The creation of this board of unelected bureaucrats is yet another tentacle of the Obama Administration digging its way into the doctors-patient relationship., ?, ?,, ?, ?, ?)  +
BUREAUCRACY IS A MACHINE +English (Confronted with the grinding cogs of bureaucracy, but needing a new cap, Coltrane shrugged and filled out the form., ?, ?,, ?, ?, ?)  +
BUREAUCRATS ARE MACHINE PARTS +English (You could call me just a work-for-hire hack, and a willing, contented cog in a bureaucratic machine., ?, ?,, ?, ?, ?)  +
BUSINESS COMPETITION IS COMPETITIVE SPORTS +English (It's Now Apple And Samsung's Game To Lose--Everyone Else Is An Also-Ran, ?, ?,, ?, ?, ?)  +
BUSINESSES ARE LIVING ENTITIES +English (Here are some tips to grow your business., ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)  +


CAREER IS A BUILDING +English (Stars whose careers collapsed in a relatively short amount of time, ?, ?,,10379313, ?, ?, ?)  +
CAREER IS A COMPLEX STRUCTURE +English (How to make a career out of things you would do even for free., ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)  +
CATEGORIES ARE BOUNDED REGIONS +English (Tomatoes technically fall within the fruit category., ?, ?, Grady 1998:130, ?, ?, ?)  +, English (I wouldn't put him in the friend category, exactly., ?, ?, Grady 1998:130, ?, ?, ?)  +
CAUSATION IS OBJECT TRANSFER +English (The noise is giving me a headache., ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)  +
CAUSED CHANGE OF STATE IS CAUSED CHANGE OF LOCATION +English (She was forced into an arranged marriage., ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)  +, English (Her parents kept pushing her until she succeeded., ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)  +
CAUSED INABILITY TO ACT IS PREVENTION OF MOTION ALONG A PATH +English (Regulations keep me from moving ahead with this housing project., ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)  +, English (Sudden illness stopped his progress., ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)  +, English (He's really gotten hung up at that step in the process., ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)  +,
CAUSES ARE FORCES +English (The trial thrust O.J.'s attorney's into the limelight., ?, ?, PITF, ?, ?, ?)  +, English (FDR's leadership brought the country out of the depression., ?, ?, PITF, ?, ?, ?)  +, English (That experience pushed him over the edge, ?, ?, PITF, ?, ?, ?)  +
CAUSING DECREASE IN CRIME IS TREATING DISEASE +English (Thriving community centers have proven to be an effective treatment against violent crime in a number of neighborhoods., ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)  +
CAUSING ECONOMIC HARDSHIP IS CAUSING PHYSICAL HARM +English (Another round of cuts will cripple the economy., ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)  +
CENSORSHIP IS PHYSICAL RESTRAINING OF MOUTH +English (... allow courts to circumvent the First Amendment, slowly eroding the freedom of the press in a much more subtle manner than if they gagged the media directly., ?, ?,, ?, ?, ?)  +, English (The government should not muzzle the press., ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)  +
CERTAIN IS FIRM +English (The plans for the trip have finally been firmed up., ?, ?, Grady 1998, ?, ?, ?)  +, English (Next year's budget is fairly solid at this point., ?, ?, Grady 1998, ?, ?, ?)  +
CHANGE IN CONTROLLER IS TRANSFER OF POSSESSION +? (The US handed over control of the prisoners to Afghan authorities., ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)  +, ? (The Democrats wrested control of four governerships from the Republicans, ?, ?, ?, ?, in some cases, the loss of possession is not voluntary, ?)  +, ? (The government acquired control of the company's assets., ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)  +
CHANGE IS ACQUISITION +English (I got a headache., ?, ?, PITF, p. 196, ?, ?, ?)  +
CHANGE IS LOSS +English (My headache went away., ?, ?, PITF, p. 196, ?, ?, ?)  +, English (He lost his faith., ?, ?, pc, ?, ?, ?)  +, English (He got rid of his headache., ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)  +
CHANGE OF STATE IS CHANGE OF LOCATION +English (He went crazy., ?, ?, PITF, p. 183, ?, ?, ?)  +, English (He fell into a depression., ?, ?, PITF, p. 183, ?, state is bounded region, ?)  +, English (I came out of my depression., ?, ?, PITF, p. 183, ?, state is bounded region, ?)  +,
CHANGE OF STATE IS CHANGE OF POSSESSION +English (I got a headache., ?, ?, PITF, p. 196, ?, ?, ?)  +, English (My headache went away., ?, ?, PITF, p. 196, ?, ?, ?)  +
CITIZEN RIGHTS ARE PHYSICAL STRUCTURES +English (One down of the three pillars of “unalienable” rights that hold up this great country of ours., ?, ?,, ?, ?, ?)  +, English (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)  +, English (This is an usagainst-them battle, but the “them” are those who would dismantle our rights., ?, ?,, ?, ?, ?)  +
CITIZEN RIGHTS ARE POSSESSIONS +English (Don't let anyone take away your right to vote., ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)  +
CITIZEN RIGHTS ARE SHIELDS FROM HARM +English (Do gun rights protect against tyranny?, ?, ?,, ?, ?, ?)  +
CITIZEN RIGHTS ARE TERRITORIES +English (We need to protect our rights from infringement., ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)  +
CITIZENS ARE EMPLOYERS +English (Nine reasons why we should fire Congress, ?, ?,, ?, ?, ?)  +
CITIZENS ARE EYES AND EARS +English (Snitch Culture: How Citizens are Turned into the Eyes and Ears of the State, ?, ?, Title of book by Jim Redden, ?, ?, ?)  +
CITIZENS ARE SLAVES +English (This new slavery is a total dependence by individuals and families on government for the materials and funds necessary to maintain a minimum standard of living., ?, ?,, ?, ?, ?)  +, English (...the people of America’s needs and priorities become second to the needs of the state and the people of America become enslaved to the state., ?, ?,, ?, ?, ?)  +
COGNIZING IS BODILY FUNCTIONING +English (My mind was racing., ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)  +, English (My mind is tired., ?, ?, Aria, ?, ?, ?)  +
COMMUNICATING IS DRAWING A PICTURE +English (Do I have to draw a picture for you?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)  +, English (He painted an idyllic picture of their life together., ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)  +
COMMUNICATING IS FEEDING +English (I've been feeding him stock market tips for weeks., ?, ?, The Political Mind, p. 7, ?, ?, ?)  +
COMMUNICATING IS GUIDING +English (This book will guide you step by step how to apply for citizenship., ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)  +
COMMUNICATING IS OBJECT TRANSFER +English (You gave me a great idea!, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)  +, English (Try to pack more thoughts into fewer words., ?, ?, Reddy (1979), ?, ?, ?)  +, English (Whenever you have a good idea practice capturing it in words., ?, ?, Reddy (1979), ?, ?, ?)  +,
COMMUNICATING IS POINTING +English (He pointed out that global warming is real., ?, ?, The Political Mind, p. 7, ?, ?, ?)  +
COMMUNICATING IS SHOWING +English (Let me illustrate the theory with some examples., ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)  +, English (I'm now going to show you that you are wrong., ?, ?, The Political Mind, p. 7, ?, ?, ?)  +
COMPANY IS A COMPLEX STRUCTURE +English (We have to restructure this firm., ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)  +
COMPETITION IS A RACE +English (The arms race., ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)  +, English (We’ve been playing chess for years, and he’s finally pulling ahead of me., ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)  +, English (He’s a better writer than I am, and he’s widening the distance., ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)  +
COMPULSION IS A COMPELLING FORCE +English (Vanity finally drove me to have the operation., ?, ?, Grady (1998), ?, ?, ?)  +
CONSCIOUS IS UP +English (Wake up!, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)  +
CONSCIOUSNESS IS VERTICALITY +English (I'm up!, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)  +
CONSIDERING THE IMPORTANCE OF RIGHTS IS PLAYING A GAME +English (“Your dead kids don’t trump my Constitutional rights.”, ?, ?,, ?, ?, ?)  +
CONSTITUENTS ARE CONTENTS +English (There is both cotton and polyester in that shirt., ?, ?, Grady 1998:121, ?, ?, ?)  +, English (This drink is loaded with vitamins., ?, ?, Grady 1998:121, ?, ?, ?)  +, English (Our agenda is packed with events., ?, ?, Grady 1998:121, ?, ?, ?)  +,
CONSUMING RESOURCES IS EATING +English (This SUV sure is a gas guzzler., ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)  +, English (Demand for paper goods is eating away at our planet's forests., ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)  +
CONSUMING TOO MANY RESOURCES IS EATING TOO MUCH FOOD +English (Developing nations are gobbling up our fossil fuels at any alarming rate., ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)  +, English (The United States' insatiable appetite for electronics will entirely consume our supply of rare metals., ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)  +
CONTROL IS A BOUNDED REGION +? (His actions are beyond my control., ?, ?, Ellen, ?, ?, ?)  +, ? (The whole situation spiraled out of (our) control., ?, ?, Ellen, ?, ?, ?)  +, ? (He returned to power., ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)  +,
CONTROL IS A POSSESSION +? (He has control over all the workers., ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)  +, English (The president kept his hold on power., ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)  +, ? (She regained control of the assembly., ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)  +,
CONTROL IS OBJECT MANIPULATION +English (He's putty in her hands., ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)  +
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