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This is a property of type Record. It has the following fields: Property:Role.Name, Property:Role.Type, Property:Role.Definition, Property:Role.FrameNet role, Property:Role.Name gloss

Pages using the property "Role"

Showing 50 pages using this property.

(previous 50) (next 50)


Caused change of state +agent (?, ?, Agent, ?)  +, affected (?, experiencer of state, Entity, ?)  +, cause (?, ?, Cause, ?)  +,
Caused downward motion +causer (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, mover (?, ?, ?, ?)  +
Change of state +experiencer (?, ?, Entity, ?)  +, initial_state (?, initial experienced state value, State, ?)  +, transition (?, intermediate experienced state value(s), ?, ?)  +,
Citizen evaluation of government +Evaluator (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, Evaluation (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, Standard (?, ?, ?, ?)  +,
Cognizing +cognizer (person, person thinking about a given topic, cognizer, ?)  +, content (?, the target about which the cognizer's thoughts are directed, content, ?)  +
Communication +communicator (?, ?, Communicator, ?)  +, addressee (?, ?, Addressee, ?)  +, message (?, ?, Message, ?)  +,
Competition +competition_event (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, competition_x-schema (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, competition_prize (?, advantageous outcome for winner of competition, ?, ?)  +,
Competitive sport +competitors (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, sporting_event (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, competitor1 (?, ?, ?, ?)  +,
Complex physical object +object_whole (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, object_parts (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, object_part_relations (?, ?, ?, ?)  +,
Complex structure +structure_whole (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, structure_parts (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, part_relations (?, ?, ?, ?)  +
Computer +computer_whole (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, computer_parts (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, computer_function (?, ?, ?, ?)  +,
Condition of physical object +physical_object (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, state_of_object (property, ?, ?, ?)  +
Confinement +confined_entity (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, area_of_confinement (?, area within the bounds of confinement, ?, ?)  +, bounds_of_confinement (?, ?, ?, ?)  +
Consciousness +conscious_entity (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, state_of_consciousness (?, ?, ?, ?)  +
Consume +consumer (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, consumed_thing (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, consume_x-schema (?, ?, ?, ?)  +
Contact +entity1 (Entity, ?, ?, ?)  +, entity2 (Entity, ?, ?, ?)  +
Containing +container (?, ?, Container, ?)  +, contents (?, ?, Contents, ?)  +, contents_location (?, ?, ?, ?)  +,
Control +controlling_entity (?, ?, Controlling_entity, ?)  +, dependent_entity (?, ?, Dependent_entity, ?)  +, dependent_process (?, ?, Dependent_situation, ?)  +,
Corporation +corporation_whole (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, corporation_mission (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, corporation_functions (?, ?, ?, ?)  +,
Corruption +corrupt_actor (?, performs corrupt activities, ?, ?)  +, corrupt_activities (iterated activity, actions performed for corrupt entity's own benefit to the harm of those who are supposed to benefit from these actions, ?, ?)  +, harmed_entity (?, person or group that should have benefited from corrupt entity's actions, ?, ?)  +,
Crafting +crafter (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, artifact (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, crafting_process (?, ?, ?, ?)  +,
Create object +creator (person, ?, Creator, ?)  +, created_object (?, ?, Created_entity, ?)  +, creation_action (?, action creator performs to create object, ?, ?)  +,
Crime +criminal (person, ?, Perpetrator, ?)  +, criminal_activity (?, ?, Crime, ?)  +, victim (person, ?, ?, ?)  +
Criticizing +critic (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, target_of_criticism (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, reason_for_criticism (?, ?, ?, ?)  +
Cultivation +Cultivatee (?, crop or domesticated animal, ?, ?)  +, Cultivator (?, ?, ?, ?)  +
Cut +cutter (Animate entity, ?, ?, ?)  +, object_of_cutting (Object, ?, ?, ?)  +, act_of_cutting (Process, ?, ?, ?)  +,


Danger +dangerous_entity (?, ?, dangerous_entity, ?)  +, dangerous_situation (?, ?, situation, ?)  +, endangered_entity (?, ?, asset, ?)  +
Death +death_protagonist (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, cause_of_death (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, death_x-schema (?, ?, ?, ?)  +,
Decay +decaying_process (?, ?, x-schema: slow, progressive, ongoing, ?)  +, decayed_entity (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, decaying_effect (?, ?, ?, ?)  +,
Decision making +decision_maker (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, decision_maker_actions (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, decision_making_process (?, ?, ?, ?)  +,
Democratic government +democratic_governor (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, democratic_jurisdiction_region (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, governed_(of_democratic_state) (?, ?, ?, ?)  +
Destroying +destroyer (?, destructive agent or force, ?, ?)  +, damaged_entity (?, ?, ?, ?)  +
Destructive natural process +destructive_process (?, ?, x-schema: slow, progressive, ongoing, ?)  +, destroyed_entity (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, destructive_effect (?, ?, ?, ?)  +,
Difficulties in action +actor (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, difficulty (?, factor(s) that negatively affect actor's ability to achieve objective, ?, ?)  +, objective (?, ?, ?, ?)  +
Directed emotion +experiencer (?, ?, Experiencer, ?)  +, target (?, person or thing emotion is directed at, Stimulus, ?)  +, emotion (?, ?, ?, ?)  +,
Disease +disease (?, ?, Ailment, ?)  +, patient (?, person or population afflicted by disease, Patient, ?)  +, symptom (?, effect disease has on patient, Symptom, ?)  +,
Disease spread +disease (Disease, ?, ?, ?)  +, infected_individuals (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, yet_uninfected_individuals (?, ?, ?, ?)  +,
Disease treatment +disease (?, ?, Affliction, ?)  +, doctors (?, ?, Medic, ?)  +, medical_professionals (?, ?, Medic, ?)  +,
Dissect +dissector (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, dissected_entity (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, dissection_tool (?, ?, ?, ?)  +,
Downward motion +mover (entity, ?, ?, ?)  +, motion_x-schema (process, ?, ?, ?)  +, vertical_path (?, ?, ?, ?)  +,
Drugs +drug (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, drug_user (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, physical_effects (?, ?, ?, ?)  +,


Eating +eater (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, eaten_object (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, eating_x-schema (?, ?, ?, ?)  +
Economic competition +economic_prize (?, ?, ?, ?)  +
Economic difficulty +actor (?, economic actor, ?, ?)  +, objective (?, economic objectives of actor, ?, ?)  +, difficulty (?, difficulties in achieving economic objective, ?, ?)  +,
Economic status +status_holder (entity, ?, ?, ?)  +, financial_resources (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, status (?, scalar value, ?, ?)  +,
Economy +economic_activity (?, production and distribution of goods and services, ?, ?)  +, activity_level (scale, ?, ?, ?)  +, economic_region (?, political and/or geographic region in which economy operates, Political_region, ?)  +,
Edge +edge_self (?, ?, ?, ?)  +
Education +education_content (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, education_learner (?, ?, ?, ?)  +
Election +voter (person, a person who votes in an election, ?, ?)  +, candidate1 (person, a person who seeks to gain office via the election, ?, ?)  +, candidate2 (person, someone competing with candidate1 for the office, ?, ?)  +,
Emotion +experiencer (?, ?, Experiencer, ?)  +, emotion (?, ?, ?, ?)  +, cause_of_emotion (?, cause of the emotion or change in emotion_level, Stimulus, ?)  +,
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Facts about "Role"
Has fields
This property is a special property in this wiki.
Property:Role.Name, Property:Role.Type, Property:Role.Definition, Property:Role.FrameNet role, Property:Role.Name gloss +
Has type
"Has type" is a predefined property that describes the datatype of a property.
Record +