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Name Gloss Possession
Description Relation between a Possessor and a Possession
Closest FrameNet Frame(s) Possession
Other aliases
Type Cog, Primary


Role Name: possessor
Role Type:
FrameNet Role: Owner
Role Name: possession
Role Type: object
Definition/Comments: possessable object
FrameNet Role: Possession
Role Name: possess_relation
Role Type:
Definition/Comments: relation between Possessor and Possessed
FrameNet Role:
Role Name: possess_relation_status
Role Type:
Definition/Comments: status of the possession relation at a given point/span of time (e.g. possess/not possess)
FrameNet Role:
Role Name: possess_relation_x-schema
Role Type: x-schema
Definition/Comments: how possession relation status changes (or not) over some span of time
FrameNet Role:

Related Frames:

Current Frame: Possession
Relation Type: makes use of
Related Frame: Relation
Roles:entity_1, entity_2, relation, relation_type, relation_value, relation_value_x-schema
Current Frame: Possession
Relation Type: makes use of
Related Frame: Access to an object
Roles:accessor, accessed_object, barrier_to_access, path_of_access
Current Frame: Possession
Relation Type: incorporates as a role
Related Frame: Possessable object




Description "Possessing" typically involves the Possessor controlling and/or having access to the Possession. In primary physical experience, the possessor holds/grasps the possessed object.
Description If the Possessor does not have control and/or access to an object, the possessor does not possess that object.
Type negation
Description In primary physical experience, the physical relation between Possessor and object indicates the status of the possession relation. Holding and/or grasping (and, more generally, co-location with) the object indicate possession; not holding/grasping indicate lack of possession. More generally, possession correlates with co-location of possessor and possessed object, and lack of possession with lack of co-location (i.e. some distance between the two)

Relevant Lexical Units:

Language English
Lempos possess.v
Language English
Lempos own.v
Language English
Lempos possession.n
Language English
Lempos owner.n
Language English
Lempos ownership.n

Lexical Units in Related FrameNet Frames:


Metaphors that use this frame:

as Target frame as Source frame

Graph of frame relations:

digraph framerelsgrph { rankdir="BT" n1 [label="Economic status" URL="/pub/en/index.php/Frame:Economic_status" fontsize="10.0" ]; n2 [label="Possession" URL="/pub/en/index.php/Frame:Possession" fontsize="10.0" penwidth=2 style="filled" fillcolor="lightgray" ];

n1 -> n2 [label = "makes use of" fontsize="8.0" color="green" ]; n3 [label="Gain possession" URL="/pub/en/index.php/Frame:Gain_possession" fontsize="10.0" ];

n3 -> n2 [label = "is a perspective on" fontsize="8.0" ]; n4 [label="Grasp" URL="/pub/en/index.php/Frame:Grasp" fontsize="10.0" ];

n4 -> n2 [label = "is related to" fontsize="8.0" constraint=false color="dimgray" ]; n5 [label="Gun possession" URL="/pub/en/index.php/Frame:Gun_possession" fontsize="10.0" ];

n5 -> n2 [label = "is subcase of" fontsize="8.0" color="magenta" ]; n6 [label="Lose possession" URL="/pub/en/index.php/Frame:Lose_possession" fontsize="10.0" ];

n6 -> n2 [label = "is a perspective on" fontsize="8.0" ]; n7 [label="Losing" URL="/pub/en/index.php/Frame:Losing" fontsize="10.0" ];

n7 -> n2 [label = "makes use of" fontsize="8.0" color="green" ]; n8 [label="Ownership" URL="/pub/en/index.php/Frame:Ownership" fontsize="10.0" ];

n8 -> n2 [label = "makes use of" fontsize="8.0" color="green" ]; n9 [label="Part whole" URL="/pub/en/index.php/Frame:Part_whole" fontsize="10.0" ];

n9 -> n2 [label = "makes use of" fontsize="8.0" color="green" ]; n10 [label="Possessable object" URL="/pub/en/index.php/Frame:Possessable_object" fontsize="10.0" ];

n10 -> n2 [label = "makes use of" fontsize="8.0" color="green" ]; n11 [label="Possession change" URL="/pub/en/index.php/Frame:Possession_change" fontsize="10.0" ];

n11 -> n2 [label = "is subcase of" fontsize="8.0" color="magenta" ]; n12 [label="Relation" URL="/pub/en/index.php/Frame:Relation" fontsize="10.0" ];

n2 -> n12 [label = "makes use of" fontsize="8.0" color="green" ]; n13 [label="Access to an object" URL="/pub/en/index.php/Frame:Access_to_an_object" fontsize="10.0" ];

n2 -> n13 [label = "makes use of" fontsize="8.0" color="green" ];

n2 -> n10 [label = "incorporates as a role" fontsize="8.0" ]; }

Facts about "Possession"
Bindingpossessor (Relation.entity_1) +, possession (Relation.entity_2) +, possess_relation_status (relation.relation_value) +, possess_relation (Relation.relation) + and possess_relation_x-schema (Relation.relation_value_x-schema) +
Frame.FrameNet framePossession +
Frame.TypeCog + and Primary +
Has descriptionRelation between a Possessor and a Possession +
Incorporates as a roleFrame:Possessable object +
Inference"Possessing" typically involves the Possessor controlling and/or having access to the Possession. In primary physical experience, the possessor holds/grasps the possessed object. (?) +, If the Possessor does not have control and/or access to an object, the possessor does not possess that object. (negation) + and In primary physical experience, the physical relation between Possessor and object indicates the status of the possession relation. Holding and/or grasping (and, more generally, co-location with) the object indicate possession (not holding/grasping indicate lack of possession. More generally, possession correlates with co-location of possessor and possessed object, and lack of possession with lack of co-location (i.e. some distance between the two)) +
LUsEnglish (possess.v, possess) +, English (own.v, own) +, English (possession.n, possession) +, English (owner.n, owner) + and English (ownership.n, ownership) +
Makes use ofFrame:Relation + and Frame:Access to an object +
Related framemakes use of (Relation, ?) +, makes use of (Access to an object, ?) + and incorporates as a role (Possessable object, ?) +
Rolepossessor (?, ?, Owner, ?) +, possession (object, possessable object, Possession, ?) +, possess_relation (?, relation between Possessor and Possessed, ?, ?) +, possess_relation_status (?, status of the possession relation at a given point/span of time (e.g. possess/not possess), ?, ?) + and possess_relation_x-schema (x-schema, how possession relation status changes (or not) over some span of time, ?, ?) +
Has subobject
"Has subobject" is a predefined property representing a container construct that allows to accumulate property-value assignments similar to that of a normal wiki page.
Frame:Possession#Lexical_unit_of +