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Name Gloss Causation
Description This is intended to be a very general schema that specifies a causal relation between two situations (a 'cause' and an 'effect'). Perhaps prototypically, cause and effect occur as part of a scenario in which the 'process' (casual_process) associated with one entity (the causer) is conceptualized as somehow affecting the process (affected_process) associated with another entity (affected). This very general frame is meant to encompass many different types of causes (including, e.g., both force-application and the lack thereof), different types of 'causal' relations (e.g. cause, prevent, enable, help, hinder), and different types of 'affected processes' (including, e.g., the motion, location, or state of the affected entity).
Closest FrameNet Frame(s) Causation
Other aliases Cause-effect
Type Cog, Composed


Role Name: causer
Role Type:
Definition/Comments: entity
FrameNet Role: Actor
Role Name: causal_process
Role Type: X-schema
FrameNet Role:
Role Name: affected
Role Type:
Definition/Comments: entity
FrameNet Role:
Role Name: affected_process
Role Type: X-schema
FrameNet Role:
Role Name: cause
Role Type:
FrameNet Role: Cause
Role Name: effect
Role Type:
FrameNet Role: Effect
Role Name: FD_relation_type
Role Type:
Definition/Comments: type of force-dynamic relation that holds between the causal_process and the affected_process. E.g. cause, prevent, enable, help, prevent
FrameNet Role:

Related Frames:

Current Frame: Causation
Relation Type: is subcase of
Related Frame: Complex_process




Description If the cause occurs, the effect will occur. Absent the cause, the effect will not occur.

Relevant Lexical Units:

Language English
Lempos cause.v
Language English
Lempos cause.n
Language English
Lempos causation.n
Language English
Lempos effect.n

Lexical Units in Related FrameNet Frames:


Metaphors that use this frame:

as Target frame as Source frame

Graph of frame relations:

digraph framerelsgrph { rankdir="BT" n1 [label="Addressing social problems" URL="/pub/en/index.php/Frame:Addressing_social_problems" fontsize="10.0" ]; n2 [label="Causation" URL="/pub/en/index.php/Frame:Causation" fontsize="10.0" penwidth=2 style="filled" fillcolor="lightgray" ];

n1 -> n2 [label = "is subcase of" fontsize="8.0" color="magenta" ]; n3 [label="Affected motion" URL="/pub/en/index.php/Frame:Affected_motion" fontsize="10.0" ];

n3 -> n2 [label = "is subcase of" fontsize="8.0" color="magenta" ]; n4 [label="Cause contact" URL="/pub/en/index.php/Frame:Cause_contact" fontsize="10.0" ];

n4 -> n2 [label = "is subcase of" fontsize="8.0" color="magenta" ]; n5 [label="Caused change of state" URL="/pub/en/index.php/Frame:Caused_change_of_state" fontsize="10.0" ];

n5 -> n2 [label = "is subcase of" fontsize="8.0" color="magenta" ]; n6 [label="Harm" URL="/pub/en/index.php/Frame:Harm" fontsize="10.0" ];

n6 -> n2 [label = "is subcase of" fontsize="8.0" color="magenta" ]; n7 [label="Magic" URL="/pub/en/index.php/Frame:Magic" fontsize="10.0" ];

n7 -> n2 [label = "is related to" fontsize="8.0" constraint=false color="dimgray" ]; n8 [label="Motion-affecting external factors" URL="/pub/en/index.php/Frame:Motion-affecting_external_factors" fontsize="10.0" ];

n8 -> n2 [label = "makes use of" fontsize="8.0" color="green" ]; n9 [label="Poverty" URL="/pub/en/index.php/Frame:Poverty" fontsize="10.0" ];

n9 -> n2 [label = "makes use of" fontsize="8.0" color="green" ]; n10 [label="Silencing" URL="/pub/en/index.php/Frame:Silencing" fontsize="10.0" ];

n10 -> n2 [label = "is subcase of" fontsize="8.0" color="magenta" ]; n11 [label="Complex process" URL="/pub/en/index.php/Frame:Complex_process" fontsize="10.0" ];

n2 -> n11 [label = "is subcase of" fontsize="8.0" color="magenta" ]; }

Facts about "Causation"
Bindingagent (Complex_process.protagonist1) +, affected (Complex_process.protagonist2) +, cause (Complex_process.process1) + and effect (Complex_process.process2) +
Frame.AliasCause-effect +
Frame.FrameNet frameCausation +
Frame.TypeCog + and Composed +
Has descriptionThis is intended to be a very general sche
This is intended to be a very general schema that specifies a causal relation between two situations (a 'cause' and an 'effect'). Perhaps prototypically, cause and effect occur as part of a scenario in which the 'process' (casual_process) associated with one entity (the causer) is conceptualized as somehow affecting the process (affected_process) associated with another entity (affected). This very general frame is meant to encompass many different types of causes (including, e.g., both force-application and the lack thereof), different types of 'causal' relations (e.g. cause, prevent, enable, help, hinder), and different types of 'affected processes' (including, e.g., the motion, location, or state of the affected entity).
ocation, or state of the affected entity). +
InferenceIf the cause occurs, the effect will occur. Absent the cause, the effect will not occur. (?) +
Is a subcase ofFrame:Complex process +
LUsEnglish (cause.v, cause) +, English (cause.n, cause) +, English (causation.n, causation) + and English (effect.n, effect) +
Related frameis subcase of (Complex process, ?) +
Rolecauser (?, entity, Actor, ?) +, causal_process (X-schema, ?, ?, ?) +, affected (?, entity, ?, ?) +, affected_process (X-schema, ?, ?, ?) +, cause (?, ?, Cause, ?) +, effect (?, ?, Effect, ?) + and FD_relation_type (?, type of force-dynamic relation that holds between the causal_process and the affected_process. E.g. cause, prevent, enable, help, prevent, ?, ?) +
Has subobject
"Has subobject" is a predefined property representing a container construct that allows to accumulate property-value assignments similar to that of a normal wiki page.
Frame:Causation#Lexical_unit_of +